3% Daily for 14 days / 4% Daily for...
Min/Max: $1 / No Limit
Referral: up to 25%
Added: Feb 18th, 2024
Monitored: 356 days
Lifetime: 356 days
Founded in 2022, «AitiMart» is a universal lending and deposit acceptance platform, brought to the highest possible technological level. The international digital depository «AitiMart» allows some clients to remotely manage their assets and receive income from deposits, and other clients to apply for loans. In order to become a client of «AitiMart», no identification, no guarantors or large funds are required. All you need to work with the international digital depository «AitiMart» is a personal computer or a gadget with an Internet access. An account in the international digital depository «AitiMart» is opened in just one minute, after which regular daily income begins to accrue on the entire amount of the client's deposit...
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