British Fx Funds Ltd screenshot
Not Paying
3% Daily For 90 Days, 6% Daily For 35 Days, 12% Daily For 18 Days, 20% Daily For 10 Days, 150% After 1 Day, 200% After 3 Days, 300% After 7 Days, 400% After 15 Days, 500% After 35 Day, 1000% After 70
Min/Max: 10 / ∞
Referral: 10%-2%-1%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 64%
Last Payout: Dec 15th, 2020
Added: Nov 13th, 2020
Monitored: 49 days
Lifetime: 49 days
British Fx Funds LtdOnline Since 2013 British FX Funds Limited is a global investment company, officially incorporated in the UK. The company is headquartered in London but its activities go far beyond the borders of England. Thousands of people tell us about their successes achieved thanks to their cooperation with British FX Funds Limited . This, for us, is very important because along with our financial activities, we have a social responsibility to the people and we are trying to develop in this direction too. We are able to cover both activities due to development of high-yield and emerging lines of business: stock exchange, Forex, cryptocurrency, in industrial development in developing countries. We bring to the market a coherent team of highly talented professionals, financial experts, analysts and real professionals, who are masters of their trade. This team makes up the backbone of British FX Funds Limited and is an integral part of the company's success. They are the ones responsible for the company's growth, development, dynamics, success, stability and income... Our burning desire to help people actuality themselves in those areas of life that are truly important was the inspiration behind the creation of the company.
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