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3% Daily For 100 Days, 5% Daily For 40 Days, 10% Daily For 20 Days, 20% Daily For 10 Days, 150% After 1 Day, 200% After 3 Days, 300% After 10 Days, 400% After 15 Days, 500% After 40 Days, 1000% After
Min/Max: 20 / 100000
Referral: 10%-2%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $20.00
Payout Ratio: 0%
Last Payout: No Payouts
Added: Jan 20th, 2022
Monitored: 141 days
Lifetime: 141 days
CryptoCoins Fund Limited Is the foundation made up of private and public investors providing worldwide Crypto Currencies Exchange Mining and Trading services, escrow and a scalable system of distributed computing. Our powerful computing system is optimized for the issuance of Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Tether and other most common decentralized crypto currencies. CryptoCoins Fund Limited has developed high-performance servers, dedicated to mining for Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Tether and other most Popular crypto currencies also providing other high quality worldwide services. CryptoCoins Fund Limited allows you to join our foundation with investments, and take a small part of our public investor foundation, receiving guaranteed daily profit from exchange fees, escrow service fees, trading earning and of course by utilizing our servers, so all of you need to do is sit back and watch your earning grows. The principles behind the benefits of Cryptocoinsfund is to appreciate our investors and strive to do our most immeasurable to make investing in our tariff plans as simple and effective as possible
PerfectMoney Bitcoin

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